Harvey Awards nominee: THE 27 CLUB, for Best Anthology!
I’m going to break the exclamation mark on my keyboard, I know it: THE 27 CLUB, A Comic Anthology has been nominated for a Harvey Award in the Best Anthology category!!!! There is no playing it cool for this one: nomination in this category is the highest honor...
A Year of Surprises: 2015 re-cap from RSM editor-in-chief, Enrica Jang
Hah! Got this one in just under 6 hours left in 2015. I’ll probably pretty up with a few more pictures, some better word edits, and some personal touches in the next day or so, but for now it’s here and ready as it will get today. Hats off to you, 2015....
Red Stylo and a Poe-licious pair of events for Halloween!
Edgar Allan Poe would be pleased: not only is our adaptation of Cask of Amontillado set for a PREVIEWS debut this week, Red Stylo is also celebrating Halloween at two fantastic events this weekend, both in the heart of Baltimore! Friday night, things are going to get...
New players for Red Stylo’s “Marry, Do, or Kill” panel at NYCC!
Once again, Red Stylo has a full slate at New York Comic with a booth (#1140) in Small Press, signings in Artist Alley, and a handful of panels and events! Check out the full schedule, but our “Marry, do, or Kill? What will it take the shatter female stereotypes...
Red Stylo panels/signing schedule at New York Comic Con!
Crazy to think just a year ago we hosted our very first panel at New York Comic Con and now we’re back. In fact, NYCC2015 is filling up fast for us, with the return of Red Stylo’s “Marry, Do, or Kill?” panel and now signings & panels with...
3 Red Stylo Panels at Baltimore Book Festival
Baltimore is getting a lot of book buzz this September: Baltimore Comic Con (at the Convention Center) and Baltimore Book Festival (a FREE event at Inner Harbor) are happening the same weekend next month, September 25-27. Red Stylo will represent in artist alley at...
New vid from City of Walls writer, Shaun Noel!
Shaun has a chance to introduce the SugarCayne crowd to the fantastic series he shares with artist A.K. Lovelace. He also took a moment to chat about the Red Stylo anthologies. Check it out!

In a word: WOW. More in this 2014 recap from RSM editor-in-chief, Enrica Jang
It’s the strangest sensation, feeling humbled and yet so proud at the same time. It has to be said: Wow. Red Stylo kicked some serious ass this year! A lot of ground to cover, so let’s just jump right in: Deciding to go away from literature do this fourth...