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Newest Releases

Ninja Bear Action Plush 2.0
Ninja Bear Action Plush 2.0
Ninja Bear #3
What Fresh Hell Is This? , A Comic Anthology inspired by Dante’s ‘Inferno’


COSMIC LOVE, a Florence + the Machine fanthology

Baroque Pop

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The latest reviews for Red Stylo titles

8 out 10 for BAROQUE POP on Newsarama!

8 out 10 for BAROQUE POP on Newsarama!

David Pepose and the Rapid-Shots team at Newsarama fired off a great review of our new Lana Del Rey-inspired fanthology, BAROQUE POP. We scored a 'Rama rating 8 out 10! Raid-Shots calls out the breadth of the collection: "The stories run the gamut from sultry crime...

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Have questions about any of our titles? Feel free to drop us a line anytime. (Review copies and Retailer pricing upon request.)