This is a day that will be long remembered–the day my Red Stylo Empire officially went global!  Not content to rule the Northern Hemisphere alone (I mean, who can have just one?),  I invaded Australia**, seeking out an international jewel for my wicked crown.

The spoils of my conquest?  Behold, the newest addition to Red Stylo’s dastardly stable of titles–Drago Bentley: Space Detective! Drago Bentley: Space Detective

Drago’s creator, Joseph Kisch, is a man after my own heart.  Already an award-winning screenwriter, producer and assistant director, Kisch craved more power!   Partnering with artist Dave Acosta,  Joseph created a story that blends the best of hard-boiled detective fiction with the action of a science-fiction blockbuster.  Conspiracy!  Androids!  Gunplay!  Spaceships!  Femme Fatales!   Could there be a more tantalizing combination?  So much excitement, it’s practically…wicked!  BWAHAHAHAHAH


I digress. 

Joe has been working on Drago Bentley for some time now, and the first 8 chapters are already collected into a full-color trade paperback available now in Red Stylo Media’s online store. Want a peek? Check out Chapter 1 of the MOTION COMIC right here, and then stay tuned to Red Stylo Media for more details on Drago Bentley:  Space Detective as they unfold.

Your Resident Evil Overlord,

Snidely McGee

**Former editor’s note tapped out pathetically with small pebbles against the stone walls in the echoing chasm of her new dungeon home: actually, I met Joe at San Diego Comic Con, setup next to me in the small press pavilion, and he was a really nice guy and we got to talking and I—ahhNoooo! Not the dogs again!

Drago Bentley: Space Detective – Chapter 1 from JOE KISCH on Vimeo.