Serious love from Comic News Insider this month! This time, the intrepid Jimmy Aquino travels to Heroes Con in Charlotte NC, and interviews KILLER QUEEN contributors Bridgit Connell (artist) and Brockton McKinney (writer) about their most recent projects, including their story “Fahrenheit Falling” for our anthology!

Listen to the entire podcast, and perk up at the 21:30 mark to hear from this fantastic duo! (AND YES, we are going to be running a QUEEN reference easter egg contest this October when the book is released. More on THAT soon!)

Comic News Insider hosted by Jimmy Aquino

Comic News Insider hosted by Jimmy Aquino

Follow Comic News Insider, Jimmy Aquino, Bridgit Connell, Brockton McKinney and Red Stylo on Twitter for all the latest!

KillerQueenstrokes and stuff

KILLER QUEEN is the newest comic anthology from Red Stylo Media, a collection of original short comics, inspired by the discography of the greatest band in Rock-n-Royalty, QUEEN! KILLER QUEEN will feature stories and art by over forty contributors, and is slated for release October 2014!