This is a second installment of Works and Pages-in-progress rolling in from our KILLER QUEEN, A COMIC ANTHOLOGY contributors. Folks who follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr know that we’ve been posting works and pages-in-progress almost daily. Here is a peek at some of the latest stuff. If you want news delivered directly to you, do the thing with the follow and the like! See our previous post here.
Page from “Checkmate,” art by Bobby Breed, story by Samantha Cross. Inspired by “White Queen”
Layout from “Dangerous Curves”, story by Dave Foland, art by Robert ‘Rahb Gee’ Grove. Inspired by “I Love My Car”
Page 1 from “Fahrenheit Falling”, story by Brockton McKinney, art by Bridgit Connell. Inspired by the life and times of Agent Freddie Mercury
Penciled panel from “Hangman”, story by Chris Murrin, art by Dean Stahl. Inspired by the song of the same title.
Penciled page from “Captain Thunder and the Champions”, story by Trevor Mueller, art by Paris Alleyne. Inspired by “We Are The Champions”
Space whale design from “Princes of the Universe”, story by Jon James, art by Kelly Williams. Inspired by the song of the same name.
Color page from “Best Friends”, story by Kenneth Whitfield, art from David Ryan Lompe. Inspired by “Best Friend”
Character/concept sketches for “Letters in the Sand”, story by dino Caruso, artist Matt Walters. Inspired by “39”
It’s getting to be that time of year where we’ll start to show off covers and then unveil the story lineup! Eyeballs here, people! (And here. And here. And here. And here.)
KILLER QUEEN is the newest comic anthology from Red Stylo Media, a collection of original short comics, inspired by the discography of the greatest band in Rock-n-Royalty, QUEEN! KILLER QUEEN will feature stories and art by over forty contributors, and is slated for release October 2014!