All the world knows the story of the rise and stardom of Freddie Mercury. Little less well-known: Mercury’s secret double life as Agent Fahrenheit, British operative for the clandestine service, Champion Corp!
Thrilling adventure awaits in “Fahrenheit Falling”, story by Brockton McKinney; art by Bridgit Connell! Inspired by a whole bunch of Queen songs (we had to pick one for the page divider in the book, so we went with “Another one Bites The Dust”, but really he drew from, like, all of them). This is the twelfth story in KILLER QUEEN, A COMIC ANTHOLOGY. This comic is included in our printed collection trade paperback. The digital version is also available to download right now in our online store and features more Queen-inspired BONUS ART from artist Theresa Bramblett!
Brockton McKinney lives in an iron-clad bunker far below the earth’s surface, where he makes sentient robots and occasionally writes comic books. He is the writer of Action Lab Entertainment’s critically acclaimed series Ehmm Theory, the upcoming miniseries Jon Bodyhunter: Intergalactic Motherfu#$er, and is a contributor to the Torsobear: Yarns from Toyburg anthology. He almost always hits his deadlines, the exception being when he is asked to write his own bio.
Bridgit Connell currently lives in the vast, rugged wilderness that is Charlotte, North Carolina. She writes and draws the comic Brother Nash, while also cranking out Marvel sketch cards for Rittenhouse and Upper Deck. She’s a part of the group Girls Drawin’ Girls, and you can check out her sketches for their weekly challenges on a somewhat regular basis.
Her online portfolio is here!:
A tribute to the greatest band in Rock-n-Royalty, KILLER QUEEN features twenty-seven works from over forty artists and writers, challenged to rock out to their favorite Queen track and use it as inspiration for an original short comic or vignette. Edited by Enrica Jang. Download this story now, or pre-order the print edition in our online store. You can also subscribe to Red Stylo and receive all the stories and special features on Patreon!