Drago Bentley’s stepping out: the trade is getting a new book jacket cover, and soon will be available for sale on Amazon! When Joe Kisch and DRAGO BENTLEY: SPACE DETECTIVE first signed on with Red Stylo, the creator had already put years of blood and sweat into...
City of Walls creators, Shaun Noel and A.K. Lovelace, are hard at work prepping the color version of BOOK 2 for print! Lovelace shared a small peek of new cover art with the fans on their facebook page. And we’re sharing with you! Fans! Don’t forget that...
Enrica Jang here, excited to announce a new collection of comic stories by….me! ANGEL WITH A BULLET is a 4-part series of short comic stories, each inspired by a song from American music legend, Tom Waits. In continuing RSM fashion, this series is not an...
Steve Morris at Comics Vanguard posted a review for ORPHANS #1! “Starting off methodically – very, very methodically – and eventually leading us into a story of black ops missions, secret projects and plants-gone-rogue (more on that later), the first...
Comics is a weird process. Lots of writing and planning, then nothing happens and all is quiet while the artist takes over and just does their thing (obviously, a great deal of things are happening for the artist, but whatever.) And then BAM! Lots of activity! In the...
What a difference a Google search makes! We don’t always get notice when titles we carry are reviewed (note to reviewers: send us links! Please!!) Lost Reviews are reviews we discover months after they’re posted, and only by luck/chance/idle keyword...
What a difference a Google search makes! We don’t always get notice when titles we carry are reviewed (note to reviewers: send us links! Please!!) Lost Reviews are reviews we discover months after they’re posted, and only by luck/chance/idle keyword...
What a difference a Google search makes! We don’t always get notice when titles we carry are reviewed (note to reviewers: send us links! Please!!) This is the first post of Lost Reviews: reviews we discover months after they’re posted, and only by...
You’ve read the B/W version of CITY OF WALLS #1. Now, venture into Kowloon and read the first nine pages of Daniel, Jin and Ariana’s story–in full color! Like what you see? Visit Red Stylo’s store and pick up Books 1 and 2, available now! CITY...