On Wednesdays We Wear Capes

On Wednesdays We Wear Capes

As 27, A Comic Anthology: ROCK HARD Edition keeps rocking on Kickstarter, I was thrilled to have a chance to sit down with Julie Hegner from On Wednesdays…We Wear Capes to talk about the book, the campaign, and how the theme evolved for this new collection...
5 questions about 27, A Comic Anthology, with Pop Culture Uncovered

5 questions about 27, A Comic Anthology, with Pop Culture Uncovered

PopCultureUncovered asked had five burning questions about our newest book, which is currently on Kickstarter to raise money for the 27, a Comic Anthology: ROCK HARD Edition. Things got really interesting when Aitch asked me to name a living artist who might compare to anyone in the club now. I may have accidentally/on purpose threw a little burn at Miley Cyrus…