Adrian Has Issues wandering the halls in CITY OF WALLS
CITY OF WALLS, an original comics series by creators, Shaun Noel and A.K. Lovelace, has been rolling out on WEBTOON, and A.K. sat down with Adrian from the Adrian Has Issues podcast to talk about the series and other things geekery! Adrian writes: “New...

What’cha Reading likes hardcore drama in CITY OF WALLS
What’cha Reading.com’s lead reviewer, Chuck Suffel, has been a longtime fan of CITY OF WALLS, an original comics series by creators Shaun Noel and A.K. Lovelace. The love continues for the next volume in the story of Daniel, Jin, and Ariana, three children...

Lost review: beautiful CITY OF WALLS review from Heed Magazine
We post as we find ’em, but Lost Reviews are reviews we discover months after they’re posted, and only by luck/chance/idle keyword searches on the internets. There’s a bounty/reward of free comics to treasure hunters who send the gems our way via the...

A Year of Surprises: 2015 re-cap from RSM editor-in-chief, Enrica Jang
Hah! Got this one in just under 6 hours left in 2015. I’ll probably pretty up with a few more pictures, some better word edits, and some personal touches in the next day or so, but for now it’s here and ready as it will get today. Hats off to you, 2015....

City of Walls joins WEBTOON
CITY OF WALLS has joined online comic platform WEBTOON!

Crowdfinders Podcast interviews CITY OF WALLS writer Shaun Noel
Nooob! Crowdfinders Podcast featured CITY OF WALLS writer, Shaun Noel, in their latest podcast! Shaun and Dave a.k.a. “The Noob” chatted about the book, new webcomic plans, what’s next for this series, and growing up in Brooklyn!

New vid from City of Walls writer, Shaun Noel!
Shaun has a chance to introduce the SugarCayne crowd to the fantastic series he shares with artist A.K. Lovelace. He also took a moment to chat about the Red Stylo anthologies. Check it out!